User Group events: See below for Seminars, Shows, Learning, etc. Thu FEB 24, 2005 WebSphere Boston UG "Automation to deliver WebSphere apps" 6-8, IBM SPC, Waltham GoldMine Users, "GoldMine V6.6 Demo", 8:30AM, CRM Learning Ctr, Waltham Gr Boston AITP $, "Books 24x7", 5:30, Red Sauce Rest, Quincy Mon FEB 28, 2005 Foxpro Users, "XMLAdapter Demo", 7PM, Microsoft, Waltham Women in Sci & Tech, $ "Intersection of Computer and Social Sciences", 6:15, Foley Hoag LLP, Boston Wed MAR 02, 2005 NH SQL Server Users, "SQL 2005 Management View", 7pm, New Horizons, Nashua Open Web Application Security "Secure Development Processes", 6-9pm, Microsoft, Waltham Thu MAR 03, 2005 Visual Basic Pro, multiple topics, 6:15, Microsoft, Waltham Mon MAR 07, 2005 Cent NH Linux Users, "Webrick & LinuxWorld", 7PM, NHTI Library, rm 146, Concord NH Tue MAR 08, 2005 Gr Bos SIGCHI, "Info Presentation in Web Apps", 7PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington Boston Network Users (BNUG), "Portal Servers", 7PM, Mt Ida College, Newton Seacoast Mac Users, "Qilan Demo", 7PM, Rye Jr High, Rye NH IP495 Internet Pros, "Internet's Future", 7PM, EMC, Hopkinton Autodesk Users, "Excel/Power Point Tips", 6PM, @S.E.A., Cambridge Wed MAR 09, 2005 NE Notes & Domino UG, "Ed Brill", 7PM, 404 Wyman St, Waltham Back Bay LISA , "Improving App Performance over WAN", 7PM, MIT Bldg E51, rm 149 New England M Users' Group, "a recap of DEVCON 2005", 6pm, Gateway Building, Wellesley Exchange Server "Mimosa Systems and TBD", 6:30, Microsoft, Waltham Boston .NET, "All about DotNetNuke", 5-6:15, Microsoft, Waltham Boston Mac (BMAC), "H&R Block TaxCut", 7PM, MIT Bldg E51, Rm 325 Sys Eng (SEA-TUG), "eCora Software Patch Manager", 6PM, NHCTC Emerging Tech Ctr, Pease Tradeport Thu MAR 10, 2005 SW Quality Grp, "Champagne QA on a Beer Budget", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington NE SQL Server Users, "Securing SS 2000, Intro to Mgmt Views", 6PM, Microsoft, Waltham NE Java Users (NEJUG), "Hibernate", 6PM, Bentley College, Waltham NE C# Users, topic TBD, 5:30, So NH Univ Culinary Arts Bldg RI Mac Users (RIMUG), "Panther OSX", 7:30PM, Davies Career Tech, Lincoln RI Mon MAR 14, 2005 PC Users of RI, topic TBD, 7PM, NE Inst of Tech, Warwick RI New England SMS UG "Microsoft System Center" 6-9:30, Fidelity Investments, Marlborough Tue MAR 15, 2005 NE Palm Users, topic TBD, 7PM, MIT Plasma Fusion Lab, Bldg NW17-218 Boston SPIN, "Can ISO, CMMI, Agile methods co-exist?", 6PM, Mitre, Bedford Wed MAR 16, 2005 Boston Linux & Unix UG, "LinuxSoup VIII", 7PM, MIT Bldg E-51, Rm 145 MacWoburn, "MacAlly products reviewed", 7PM, Woburn Senior Ctr Boston STC Chapter, $ "Dreamweaver Demo", 5:45, Sheraton Lexington Thu MAR 17, 2005 Worcester Linux Users' Group, "Topic: TBD", 7PM, Access Grid Room, WPI Campus Worcester Macromedia UG, "Motion Graphics and Animation", 7-9:30, Assumption College IT Bldg GBC/ACM, "Meta-language for system architecting", 7PM, @MIT E51-345 NE Info Security Group, "Preparing for the Next Wave of Attack", 6:30PM, Microsoft, Waltham Tue MAR 22, 2005 AppleScript Users, "Tiger- What's New Pussycat?", 6PM, MIT Bldg E51, Room 372 Ind Comp Consultants, "Electronic Newsletters", 6PM, Rebecca's Cafe, Burlington Wed MAR 23, 2005 IEEE Consultants' Network, "Securing Income as a Consultant", 7pm, Sheraton Lexington Thu MAR 24, 2005 DataCAD Users, topic TBD, 6PM, Boston Society of Architects, Boston Thu MAR 31, 2005 Comp Measurement Grp quarterly meeting, 9AM-4PM, Sheraton Framingham Thu APR 07, 2005 Visual Basic Pro, ".Net Security and DataWindow", 6:15, Microsoft, Waltham Tue APR 12, 2005 Gr Bos SIGCHI, "CHI Gets Local", 6:30, Sun Microsystems, Burlington IP495 Internet Pros, "Pay Per Click Advertising", 7PM, EMC, Hopkinton Boston Network Users (BNUG), "Mass Job Outlook", 7PM, Mt Ida College, Newton Seacoast Mac Users, topic TBD, 7PM, Rye Jr High, Rye NH Autodesk Users, "Autocad Tips", 6PM, @S.E.A., Cambridge Wed APR 13, 2005 SW Quality Grp "Results from Inspecting Test Automation Scripts", 6PM, Sun Micro, Burlington NE Notes & Domino UG, "Bowstreet", 7PM, 404 Wyman St, Waltham Worcester Linux Users' Group, "Topic: TBD", 7PM, Access Grid Room, WPI BBLISA (administrators of large and small networks) "TBA", 7pm, MIT E51-149 Exchange Server "TBA", 6:30, Microsoft, Waltham Oracle Users, "Spring Training Day", 8:30-4:00, Bentley College, Waltham Boston Mac (BMAC), "EBay", 7PM, MIT Bldg E51, Rm 325 Thu APR 14, 2005 DataCAD Users, topic TBD, 6PM, Boston Society of Architects, Boston NE Java Users (NEJUG), "TBA", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington NE SQL Server Users, "Team development with SQL 2005", 6PM, Microsoft, Waltham Tue APR 19, 2005 Boston SPIN, "Organizing Your Problem Tracking System", 6PM, Mitre, Bedford Wed APR 20, 2005 Boston Linux & Unix, "Converting Windows Apps to Linux", 7PM, MIT Bldg E-51, Room 145 MacWoburn, "Rogue Amoeba will demo their wares", 7PM, Woburn Senior Ctr Thu APR 21, 2005 Worcester Macromedia UG "Topic: TBA", 7-9:30, Assumption College IT Building, Worcester Providence AITP, $ "Strategic Planning", 6PM, SQA, Providence, RI $ Tue APR 26, 2005 AppleScript Users, "Database applications", 6PM, MIT Bldg E51, Room 372 Ind Comp Consultants, "Non-Tradition Negotiation Tactics", 6PM, Rebecca's Cafe, Burlington PC Users of RI, topic TBD, 7PM, NE Inst of Tech, Warwick RI Wed APR 27, 2005 IEEE Consultants' Network "Model Driven Architecture (tentative)" 7pm, Sheraton Lexington Thu MAY 05, 2005 Visual Basic Pro, "Object Oriented VB.Net Programming", 6:15, Microsoft, Waltham Mon MAY 09, 2005 Boston Network Users (BNUG), topic TBD, 7PM, Mt Ida College, Newton Tue MAY 10, 2005 Gr Boston SIGCHI, "Are You Really Ready to Launch Your Product?", 6:30, Sun, Burlington IP495 Internet Pros, topic TBD, 7PM, EMC, Hopkinton Autodesk Users, "Latest Civil Software", 6PM, @S.E.A., Cambridge Wed MAY 11, 2005 SW Quality Grp, "Applying Six Sigma to Software Devel", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington BBLISA (administrators of large and small networks) "TBA", 7pm, MIT E51-149 Exchange Server "Avinti and MailFrontier", 6:30, Microsoft, Waltham Thu MAY 12, 2005 NE Java Users (NEJUG), "TBA", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington Tue MAY 17, 2005 PC Users of RI, topic TBD, 7PM, NE Inst of Tech, Warwick RI Boston SPIN, "Accurate Schedules from SW Reqs", 6PM, Mitre, Bedford Wed MAY 18, 2005 Boston Linux & Unix, "Programming with POSIX Threads", 7PM, MIT Bldg E-51, Room 145 MacWoburn, "iLife 05 and iWork", 7PM, Woburn Senior Ctr Thu MAY 19, 2005 Worcester Macromedia UG "Topic: TBA", 7-9:30, Assumption College IT Building, Worcester Tue MAY 24, 2005 AppleScript Users, "Scripting the UNIX shell", 6PM, MIT Bldg E51, Room 372 Worcester Linux Users' Group, "Topic: TBD", 7PM, Access Grid Room, WPI Wed MAY 25, 2005 IEEE Consultants' Network "TBA" 7pm, Sheraton Lexington Thu JUN 02, 2005 Visual Basic Pro, "Switch From VB 6 to Managed Code", 6:15, Microsoft, Waltham Wed JUN 08, 2005 SW Quality Grp, "Out of Ad Hoc and Into Maturity", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington BBLISA (administrators of large and small networks) "TBA", 7pm, MIT E51-149 Exchange Server "TBA", 6:30, Microsoft, Waltham Thu JUN 09, 2005 NE Java Users (NEJUG), "TBA", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington Tue JUN 14, 2005 Gr Boston SIGCHI "Information, Space and People", 6:30, Sun Microsystems, Burlington Tue JUN 21, 2005 Boston SPIN, "Successful Software Mgmt", 6PM, Mitre, Bedford Wed JUN 15, 2005 Boston Linux & Unix, topic TBD, 7PM, MIT Bldg E-51, Room 145 Worcester Linux Users' Group, "Topic: TBD", 7PM, Access Grid Room, WPI Tue JUN 28, 2005 AppleScript Users, "Intro to Appl Development", 6PM, MIT Bldg E51, Room 372 Thu JUL 07, 2005 Visual Basic Pro, "Web Services Extensions/SOA", 6:15, Microsoft, Waltham Wed JUL 13, 2005 SW Quality Grp, "Hot Topics Night", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington BBLISA (administrators of large and small networks) "TBA", 7pm, MIT E51-149 Thu JUL 14, 2005 Worcester Linux Users' Group, "Topic: TBD", 7PM, Access Grid Room, WPI Wed JUL 20, 2005 Boston Linux & Unix, topic TBD, 7PM, MIT Bldg E-51, Room 145 Wed AUG 17, 2005 Boston Linux & Unix, topic TBD, 7PM, MIT Bldg E-51, Room 145
Events, Conferences, Education and Training: FEB 23, 2005 MS Developer "Developing Apps using Microsoft Speech Server and .NET" 9AM, Microsoft, Waltham MAR 12, 2005 STC Hands-On XML Workshop, The MathWorks, Natick MAR 12-13, 2005 .NET Code Camp III, Microsoft, Waltham MAR 24, 31, APR 7, 14, 21, 2005 IEEE Continuing Education: "Fundamentals of JavaScript Programming" 6:15-9:45, Lexington APR 4 & 5, 2005 IEEE Continuing Education "Introduction to XML Schemas and its Applications", Lexington APR 12-14, 2005 IEEE Continuing Education: "Predictable Software Development", Waltham APR 13 & 20, 2005 IEEE Continuing Education: "Your Home or Small Business Network" 6:15-9:45, Lexington APR 19, 2005 SQL Server 2005 Roadshow, Boston Marriott Copley Place MAY 2-4, 2005 USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, Park Plaza, Boston MAY 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Jun 7, 2005 IEEE Continuing Education: "Fundamentals of C++ With Classes" 6:15-9:45, Lexington JUL 18-21, 2005 Macworld Conference & Expo, Hynes Convention Ctr JUN 11-16, 2006 Microsoft Tech Ed Convention, Boston Convention & Expo Ctr Ongoing: MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science events open to the public The IEEE Boston Section posts local courses at Qualware Instructional Services Burlington Cambridge Center for Adult Education Call (617) 547-6789 or check the courses available at DevelopMentor Training Classes, Cummings Park, Woburn. Future Media Concepts provides training in all areas of digital media Pinnacle Training has continuing Microsoft-related courses at Westborough and Braintree Apple seminars MA NH RI Microsoft New England: Local Event Calendar
These listings are obtained from user group web pages, mailings, and from other sources.