The Boston-area User Group Calendar

"Tell them you saw it on BUGC"
Helping computer users and groups in the Boston area since June 1997
Updated 01/31/2005 -- '05 #25

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View our archives: 2005 calendars or all previous calendars -- Read Our Story "Monthly Meeting Calendar"   --   Boston TechVenue Calendar
User Group events:
See below for Seminars, Shows, Learning, etc.

Wed FEB 02, 2005
Windows Server Users, "Managing Windows Servers and Clients", 6:30, Microsoft, Waltham
NH SQL Server Users, "Imceda Software", 7PM, New Horizons, Nashua NH
OWASP Boston Chapter (NEW), "Anatomy of a Database Attack", 6-9pm, Microsoft, Waltham
Boston Avid Group "User Group Kickoff", 7-9:45,  BU Center for Digital Imaging Arts, Waltham
MacTechGrp Meeting "Using Cocoa to Inspect a Package BOM" 7-9PM  MIT Sloan School Room E51-325

Thu FEB 03, 2005
Visual Basic Pro, "Cryptography in", 6:15, Microsoft, Waltham
Beantown .NET Users, "Advanced COM Interop with C#", 5:30, Adesso Systems, Boston

Fri FEB 04, 2005
No Shore Comp Soc computer clinic, 7PM, Peabody Municipal Light

Sat FEB 05, 2005
Association for Women in Computing "Supporting Young Women in Technology", Waltham Girl Scouts

Mon FEB 07, 2005
MS Project, "MS Project Server ... Increase Revenue", 6PM, Microsoft, Waltham

Tue FEB 08, 2005
SalesLogix Users, Check Website
Gr Bos SIGCHI, "Cognitive Base of Creativity", 7PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington
Greater Boston Network Users Group "The Internet Worm Plague" 7-9pm, Mt Ida College, Newton
Seacoast Mac Users, "iLife/iApp Breakout Sessions", 7PM, Rye Jr High, Rye NH
Autodesk Users, "Architectural Desktop", 6PM, SEA Consultants, Cambridge
Windows Tech Forum, "AMD64 and AMD future plans",  6:30-9pm, Microsoft, Waltham
Internet Professionals 495 "Entering the Government Market" 7-8:30, EMC, Hopkinton

Wed FEB 09, 2005
SW Quality Grp, "Latest Industry Data for Appl Devel", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington
NE Notes & Domino UG, "Lotusphere Redux", 7PM, 404 Wyman St, Waltham
Boston Macintosh User Group (BMac) "iPod Hacks" 7-9pm, MIT room E51-315
Exchange Server "Anti-Spyware, Best Practices Analyzer, Storage...", 6:30, Microsoft, Waltham
BBLISA (administrators of large and small networks) "Opsware", 7pm, MIT E51-149
SEA-TUG (for System Admins) "Microsoft MOM", 6pm, Portsmouth NH area

Thu FEB 10, 2005
GoldMine Users, "GoldMine V6.6 Demo", 8:30AM, CRM Learning Ctr, Waltham
NE SQL Server Users, "GeoCluster/Double-Take, Table Partitioning", 6PM, Microsoft, Waltham
Worcester Linux Users' Group, "TBD", 7PM, Access Grid Room, WPI
Data Management Association (DAMA) "Meta Data Life Cycle" 3-5pm, Bank of America, Waltham
Providence AITP, $ "Strategic Planning", 6PM, SQA, Providence, RI $
SIGGRAPH/Boston "Electronic Theater (computer animation)" 7-9pm, Boston Public Library

Sat FEB 12, 2005
GBC/ACM, "New Standards for Elections", 1-5PM, Radcliffe Cronkhite Rm, Cambridge

Tue FEB 15, 2005
ACT! Users, "ACT! 2005 Demo", 8:30AM, CRM Learning Ctr, Waltham
PC Users of RI, topic TBD, 7PM, NE Inst of Tech, Warwick RI
Boston SPIN, "Agile Management Methodologies", 6PM, Mitre, Bedford
Final Cut Pro 4th anniversary meeting, 6:30, Emerson College, Bordy Theater
Storage Networking, "High Availability Solutions", 6PM, Microsoft, Waltham

Wed FEB 16, 2005
Access Day "Introduction to Access", 9AM-12, Microsoft, Waltham
Access Day "Intermediate Access", 1-5, Microsoft, Waltham
Access Day "Access Developer", 5-8:30, Microsoft, Waltham
Worcester Linux Users' Group, "Topic: TBD", 7PM, Access Grid Room, WPI Campus
MacWoburn, "Why I love my Mac: A roundtable", 7PM, Woburn Senior Ctr
Southern New England Network UG "Steve Carbone ???" R Williams College, Providence
Boston Linux & Unix, "LinuxWorld Q & A", 7PM, MIT Bldg E-51, Room 145
Boston .NET, "Cabana Night", 6-8PM, Hynes Conv Ctr

Thu FEB 17, 2005
Worcester Macromedia UG "Topic: TBA", 7-9:30, Assumption College IT Building, Worcester
NE Info Security Group, "Crossing The Line", 6:30PM, Microsoft, Waltham

Tue FEB 22, 2005
Ind Comp Consultants, "Public Speaking", 6PM, Rebecca's Cafe, Burlington
Water User Group, topic TBD, 7PM, One Broadway, Cambridge

Wed FEB 23, 2005
IEEE Consultants' Network, "Embedded Systems Dev with Eclipse", 7pm, Sheraton Lexington

Thu FEB 24, 2005
AppleScript Users, "InDesign & Quark", 6PM, MIT Bldg E51, Room 372

Thu MAR 03, 2005
Visual Basic Pro, multiple topics, 6:15, Microsoft, Waltham

Tue MAR 08, 2005
Gr Bos SIGCHI, "TBD", 6:30, Sun Microsystems, Burlington
Boston Network Users (BNUG), "Portal Servers", 7PM, Mt Ida College, Newton
Seacoast Mac Users, topic TBD, 7PM, Rye Jr High, Rye NH
IP495 Internet Pros, "A Look Into the Future", 7PM, EMC, Hopkinton

Wed MAR 09, 2005
NE Notes & Domino UG, "Ed Brill", 7PM, 404 Wyman St, Waltham
BBLISA (administrators of large and small networks) "TBA", 7pm, MIT E51-149
New England M Users' Group, "a recap of DEVCON 2005", 6pm, Gateway Building, Wellesley

Thu MAR 10, 2005
SW Quality Grp, "Champagne QA on a Beer Budget", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington
NE SQL Server Users, "Securing SS 2000, Intro to Mgmt Views", 6PM, Microsoft, Waltham

Mon MAR 14, 2005
PC Users of RI, topic TBD, 7PM, NE Inst of Tech, Warwick RI

Tue MAR 15, 2005
NE Palm Users, topic TBD, 7PM, MIT Plasma Fusion Lab, Bldg NW17-218

Wed MAR 16, 2005
Boston Linux & Unix UG, "LinuxSoup VIII", 7PM, location TBD
MacWoburn, "MacAlly products reviewed", 7PM, Woburn Senior Ctr

Thu MAR 17, 2005
Worcester Linux Users' Group, "Topic: TBD", 7PM, Access Grid Room, WPI Campus
Worcester Macromedia UG "Topic: TBA", 7-9:30, Assumption College IT Building, Worcester

Tue MAR 22, 2005
AppleScript Users, "Tiger- What's New Pussycat?", 6PM, MIT Bldg E51, Room 372
Ind Comp Consultants, "Electronic Newsletters", 6PM, Rebecca's Cafe, Burlington

Wed MAR 23, 2005
IEEE Consultants' Network "E-mail Authentication (tentative)" 7pm, Sheraton Lexington

Thu MAR 31, 2005
Comp Measurement Grp quarterly meeting, location TBD

Thu APR 07, 2005
Visual Basic Pro, ".Net Security and DataWindow", 6:15, Microsoft, Waltham

Tue APR 12, 2005
Gr Bos SIGCHI, "CHI Gets Local", 6:30, Sun Microsystems, Burlington
IP495 Internet Pros, topic TBD, 7PM, EMC, Hopkinton

Wed APR 13, 2005
SW Quality Grp "Results from Inspecting Test Automation Scripts", 6PM, Sun Micro, Burlington
NE Notes & Domino UG, "Bowstreet", 7PM, 404 Wyman St, Waltham
Worcester Linux Users' Group, "Topic: TBD", 7PM, Access Grid Room, WPI
BBLISA (administrators of large and small networks) "TBA", 7pm, MIT E51-149

Wed APR 20, 2005
Boston Linux & Unix, topic TBD, 7PM, MIT Bldg E-51, Room 145
MacWoburn, "Rogue Amoeba will demo their wares", 7PM, Woburn Senior Ctr

Thu APR 21, 2005
Worcester Macromedia UG "Topic: TBA", 7-9:30, Assumption College IT Building, Worcester

Tue APR 26, 2005
AppleScript Users, "Database applications", 6PM, MIT Bldg E51, Room 372
Ind Comp Consultants, "Non-Tradition Negotiation Tactics", 6PM, Rebecca's Cafe, Burlington
PC Users of RI, topic TBD, 7PM, NE Inst of Tech, Warwick RI

Wed APR 27, 2005
IEEE Consultants' Network "Model Driven Architecture (tentative)" 7pm, Sheraton Lexington

Thu MAY 05, 2005
Visual Basic Pro, "Object Oriented VB.Net Programming", 6:15, Microsoft, Waltham

Tue MAY 10, 2005
Gr Boston SIGCHI, "Are You Really Ready to Launch Your Product?", 6:30, Sun, Burlington
IP495 Internet Pros, topic TBD, 7PM, EMC, Hopkinton

Wed MAY 11, 2005
SW Quality Grp, "Applying Six Sigma to Software Devel", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington
BBLISA (administrators of large and small networks) "TBA", 7pm, MIT E51-149

Tue MAY 17, 2005
PC Users of RI, topic TBD, 7PM, NE Inst of Tech, Warwick RI

Wed MAY 18, 2005
Boston Linux & Unix, topic TBD, 7PM, MIT Bldg E-51, Room 145
MacWoburn, "iLife 05 and iWork", 7PM, Woburn Senior Ctr

Thu MAY 19, 2005
Worcester Macromedia UG "Topic: TBA", 7-9:30, Assumption College IT Building, Worcester

Tue MAY 24, 2005
AppleScript Users, "Scripting the UNIX shell", 6PM, MIT Bldg E51, Room 372
Worcester Linux Users' Group, "Topic: TBD", 7PM, Access Grid Room, WPI

Wed MAY 25, 2005
IEEE Consultants' Network "TBA" 7pm, Sheraton Lexington

Thu JUN 02, 2005
Visual Basic Pro, "Switch From VB 6 to Managed Code", 6:15, Microsoft, Waltham

Wed JUN 08, 2005
SW Quality Grp, "Out of Ad Hoc and Into Maturity", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington
BBLISA (administrators of large and small networks) "TBA", 7pm, MIT E51-149

Tue JUN 14, 2005
Gr Boston SIGCHI "Information, Space and People", 6:30, Sun Microsystems, Burlington

Wed JUN 15, 2005
Boston Linux & Unix, topic TBD, 7PM, MIT Bldg E-51, Room 145
Worcester Linux Users' Group, "Topic: TBD", 7PM, Access Grid Room, WPI

Tue JUN 28, 2005
AppleScript Users, "Intro to Appl Development", 6PM, MIT Bldg E51, Room 372

Wed JUL 13, 2005
SW Quality Grp, "Hot Topics Night", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington
BBLISA (administrators of large and small networks) "TBA", 7pm, MIT E51-149

Thu JUL 14, 2005
Worcester Linux Users' Group, "Topic: TBD", 7PM, Access Grid Room, WPI

Wed JUL 20, 2005
Boston Linux & Unix, topic TBD, 7PM, MIT Bldg E-51, Room 145

Wed AUG 17, 2005
Boston Linux & Unix, topic TBD, 7PM, MIT Bldg E-51, Room 145

Events, Conferences, Education and Training:

FEB 15-17, 2005
WebServices Edge 2005 East conference & expo, Hynes Conv Ctr, Boston

FEB 15, 2005
TechNet Pro Seminar, "Exchange Server and Windows", 8:30AM, Regal Westborough Cinemas
MS Developer Network, ".NET and Visual Studio", 1PM, Regal Westborough Cinemas

FEB 20, 2005
VB.NET Mini Code Camp, 8:30AM, Microsoft, Waltham

FEB 23, 2005
MS Developer "Developing Apps using Microsoft Speech Server and .NET" 9AM, Microsoft, Waltham

MAR 12-13, 2005
.NET Code Camp III, Microsoft, Waltham

MAR 24, 31, APR 7, 14, 21, 2005
IEEE Continuing Education: "Fundamentals of JavaScript Programming" 6:15-9:45, Lexington

APR 4 & 5, 2005
IEEE Continuing Education "Introduction to XML Schemas and its Applications", Lexington

APR 12-14, 2005
IEEE Continuing Education: "Predictable Software Development", Waltham

April 13 & 20, 2005
IEEE Continuing Education: "Your Home or Small Business Network" 6:15-9:45, Lexington

MAY 2-4, 2005
USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, Park Plaza, Boston

May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Jun 7, 2005
IEEE Continuing Education: "Fundamentals of C++ With Classes" 6:15-9:45, Lexington

JUL 18-21, 2005
Macworld Conference & Expo, Hynes Convention Ctr

JUN 11-16, 2006
Microsoft Tech Ed Convention, Boston Convention & Expo Ctr


MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science events open to the public

The IEEE Boston Section posts local courses at

Qualware Instructional Services  Burlington

Cambridge Center for Adult Education  Call (617) 547-6789 or check the courses
available at

DevelopMentor Training Classes, Cummings Park, Woburn.

Future Media Concepts provides training in all areas of digital media

Pinnacle Training has continuing Microsoft-related courses at Westborough and Braintree

Apple seminars  MA NH RI

Microsoft New England: Local Event Calendar

Please send meeting announcements to
Of course, we cannot assume any responsibility for errors, etc...

These listings are obtained from user group web pages, mailings, and from other sources.

BUGC is maintained by Al Sherman and Mike Murphy We thank Northeast DataVault for network access and Boston Linux & Unix User Group and for providing our server.
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Copyright © 1997-2005 by Allan Sherman and Mike Murphy
BUGC is an enthusiastic supporter of