Sources for BUGC Calendar Info
These are the sources used to find Calendar information.
Notations of regular meeting nights were seen on websites, but these may not be current.
Now you are all set to do your own searches.....
Microsoft Access Day the 3rd Wednesday each month
Greater Boston Chapter ACM MEETINGS
Greater Boston ACM SIGCHI
ACT! User Group (INACTIVE ???)
try this one ACT!, Goldmine, SalesLogix, CRM
Boston AppleScript check listing Apple Events Boston
BBLISA Back Bay Lisa
NEBUG New England's Brio Users Group Maybe?
Business on the Web, Richard Seltzer's Chat
Boston Microsoft Business Productivity User Group -- the 3rd Thursday each month
Cambridge IT Pro (maybe?)
Boston Metro Rational ClearCase User Group
Boston Cold Fusion User Group Meetings
RI ColdFusion user group (very slow loading)
Cape Cod .NET User Group
Greater Boston Computer Measurement Group (CMG)
NECRUG New England's Crystal Report Users Group Maybe?
New England C# (CSharp) Users Group
DataCAD Boston Users Group (DBUG) -- the 3rd Wednesday each month
Data Management Association (DAMA) Greater Boston Chapter
Debian Beowulf User's Group (DeBUG)
NE Domino & Notes Users Group -- the 2nd Wednesday each month
Boston Area Exchange Server Users Group -- the last Thursday every other month
Boston Final Cut Pro User Group see Cambridge Apple Events
Boston Area Foxpro Users Group -- the 4th Wednesday each month
Boston Area FrontPage Web Developer Group
IEEE Computer Society
Independent Computer Consultants Association (ICCA) - the 4th Tuesday each month
IP495 Internet Professionals, formerly 495 Chapter (AIP-495)
Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP-SNE)
New England Java Users Group (NEJUG)
Boston Linux & Unix User Group
Greater NH Linux Users Group (GNHLUG)
Seacoast Linux Users Group (SLUG)
Worcester Linux Users' Group (WLUG)
Macromedia Boston
Worcester Macromedia UG
Boston Mac Users Group (BMAC) -- the 2nd Wednesday each month
Macwoburn -- the third Wednesday of every month
New Hampshire Seacoast Mac Users Group -- 2nd Tuesday each month
Manchester JAVA Users' Group
New England M Users Group (NEMUG or MUMPS) -- bi-monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month
Greater Nashua Software Entrepreneurs' Group (GNSEG)
.Net User Group of Greater Boston, 2nd Wednesday
New Hampshire .NET Users Group (Nashua)
Rhode Island .NET User Group (ridotnet)
Boston Network Users Group (BNUG) -- the 2nd Tuesday each month
Southern New England Network Users Group (SneNUG) -- the 3rd Wednesday each Month
North Shore Computer Society (NSCS) -- the 2nd Thursday each month, September to June
New England Palm Users Group -- the 3rd Tuesday each month
PC Users Group of RI -- the 3rd Tuesday each month
Boston PDA Users Group (BOSPDAUG)
(MPUG) Microsoft Project
Boston/New England PocketPC User Group
Retro-Computing Society of Rhode Island, Inc
riMac (A Group of Macintosh Users from RI) -- the 4th Monday each month
Rhode Island Macintosh User Group (RIMUG)
Boston Area SAS Users Group
New England Information Security User Group (NEISUG)
Greater Boston Seniors Computer Group
New England SharePoint User Group
New England Small Business Server User Group
New England Area SMS User Group
Boston Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) - the 3rd Tuesday each month, September to June
Software Engineering and Quality SIG (NH)
Software Quality Consulting Calendar
Software Quality Group - the 2nd Wednesday each month
Microsoft SQL Server New England User Group - the 2nd Thursday each month
Storage Networking Users Group of New England (SNUGNE)
Boston Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication (STC) Maybe?
New England Tivoli Users Group
Boston Virtual Reality Group (e-mail list)
Visual Basic Professional User Group - the 1st Thursday each month
Boston Area Visual Basic Learning User Group - the 3rd Monday each month
NH Visual Basic User Group
VIBUG (Visually Impaired and Blind User Group) - the 2nd Saturday each month
Boston Voice Users Group (e-mail list) -- the 2nd Tuesday each month
WebSphere Boston User Group yahoo
ACM Greater Boston Web-Tech Chapter - the 3rd Tuesday each month
Boston Area Windows Server User Group the 1st Wednesday each Month
Windows Technical Forum -- the 1st Monday each month
Boston Area Wireless Internet Alliance
Association for Women in Computing
Worcester Computer Society
Just beyond our Area:
SIBMUG, A PC User Group (Dover NH)
Not User Groups
The Massachusetts Electronic Commerce Assn Mass eComm
The Massachusetts Interactive Media Council MIMC Events Calendar
The Massachusetts High Tech Council Events Calendar
The 495 Networking Support Group (495NSG)
groups with no info posted
Citrix_NewEngland · tech group
New England Weblogic Users Group
Enterprise Applications User Group (N. Andover)
Bristol Community College Macromedia User's Group
Rhode Island Apple Group (RIAG) Not updated
MacTechGrp - announcements by email -- the first Wednesday of every month
Appear inactive:
Delphi Developers Group -- the 3rd Monday each month, September to June
MetroWest Boston Linux
Boston Adobe Photoshop Professional Association
Inactive for at least 6 months:
Digital Commerce Society (active but no new info posted)
Media 100 Users Group (M100)
VoiceXML Forum
NE Software Quality Assurance Forum
Seacoast Technology User Group (SEA-TUG)
Boston Area COM Users Group (BACOM)
CONE or e-mail list (inactive)
Boston Internet SIG (INACTIVE)
Paradox Users Forum (disbanding)
DigitalEve Boston "parting ways"
New Hampshire Palm Users Group (NHPUG)
Boston Windows User Group (BWUG) -- Inactive as of 11/01 - Site gone
Additional Lists of Computer User Groups and Associations (OLD):
BNUG list
MIT EECS Department Calendar (open to public)
MIT User Groups on Campus
Microsoft Mindshare UG Database or MSDN User Groups
Microsoft New England: Local Event Calendar
NEUG.NET (probably Microsoft sponsored)
Boston Online Computer group list
Revised 9/28/2003 (target_blank)