User Group events: See below for Seminars, Shows, Learning, etc. Tue APR 08, 2003 Greater Boston SIGCHI "Knowledge Management at a Financial Services Co", 7 pm, Sun Micro, Burlington Information Technology Professionals "Plan a Successful Job Search Strategy" 6-8pm, $ Providence Marriott Voice Users "Getting Started with Speech Recognition", 7:30, MIT, Room 2-132 Enterprise Application User Group Meeting - CANCELLED Seacoast Mac Users, "Premier Geneology software", 7PM, Rye Junior High Network Users, "Inside The National Weather Service", 7PM, Mt Ida College, Newton Boston PDA Users, "General PDA topics", 7pm, MIT room 3-133 Wed APR 09, 2003 Software Quality Group, "Milt Boyd, When will the testing be done?", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington Boston .NET User Group "Programmatic Access to SQL Server", 5-6:30, Microsoft Waltham Boston .NET User Group ".NET Remoting Essentials", 6:30-8:30, Microsoft Waltham Large Install Sys Admin (BBLISA), "Cross-Platform Server Management", 7PM, MIT Bldg E51, Room 149 Boston Mac Users (BMAC), "How to call Tech Support/Dymo Label Printers", 7PM, MIT Bldg E51 Seniors Computer Group, "NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN STORAGE AND BACKUP", 9:30AM, Newton Senior Center Manchester JAVA Users, "J2EE and Web Services", 6PM, So NH Univ, Stark Hall room 4 Notes & Domino UG, "Best Practices for Integrating Notes/Domino into .NET Environments", 7pm, IBM, Waltham Thu APR 10, 2003 Java Users (NEJUG) "JBoss: Architecture, Clustering and Configuration" 6:30, Cross Point Bldg, Lowell Business on the Web on-line chat, "using email discussion groups for marketing", Noon-1PM Data Admin Mgmt (DAMA), "Your Model or Your XML", 1:30-3:00pm, FleetBoston Financial, Waltham North Shore Comp Soc, "ScanSoft: Desktop Productivity Applications", 7PM, Peabody Municipal Light RI Mac Users (RIMUG) monthly meeting, 7:30, Davies Voc Tech HS NE SQL Server, "Performance Mgmnt Solutions", "Demystifying Fragmentation", 6-8:30, Microsoft Waltham Sat APR 12, 2003 Boston Linux & Unix UG, "Linux InstallFest XIV", 8:30-3:00 pm, Mt Ida College, Newton Mon APR 14, 2003 Worcester Comp Soc, "Networking your PC with a Mac", 6:45, Worcester Academy Kingsley Hall Tue APR 15, 2003 NE Palm Users, "Scanning Devices Inc", 7PM, MIT, Plasma Fusion Lab, Bldg NW17-218 Boston's FrontPage Web Developer Group, 6:00 pm, 175 Water St, Exeter, NH Wed APR 16, 2003 Worcester Linux,"Turning Your Linux Box Into a TiVO", 7PM, Kinnicutt Hall, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Boston Linux & Unix UG, "CUPS: Common Unix Printing System", 7-9pm, @ MIT (room 4-370) So NE Network Users (SneNUG), "NetIQ - TBA", 7:00, @NE Tech, Warwick RI Club Pocket PC-Boston, "Mobile Web Apps For Non-ASP.NET Developers", 6:30, Microsoft, Waltham Cape Cod .NET User Group "Developing Enterprise Caliber Applications with Microsoft .NET", 7-9, Mashpee Boston .NET User Group "Website Development Project", 5-8 pm, Microsoft Waltham Thu APR 17, 2003 NE Information Security, "Security Basics/Protect Your E-Mail Server", 6:30, Microsoft, Waltham Microsoft Business Productivity UG (formerly MS Office), "Office 11 Preview", 6:30 pm, Microsoft, Waltham Fri APR 18, 2003 North Shore Comp Soc computer clinic, 7PM, Peabody Municipal Light Sat APR 19, 2003 RI Retro-Computing Society Open House: "Packard Bell PB-250", 10AM-4:30PM, 25 Eagle St, Providence Tue APR 22, 2003 Boston AppleScript Users, "Mac OS X sys/command line scripting", 6PM, MIT Bldg E51, Room 372 PC Users Group of RI "TBA", 7 PM, N.E. Tech, Warwick, RI Final Cut Pro Users, "Post NAB Update/Offline RT", 6:45, BU Photonics Ctr, Room 206 ACT! Users, "ACT! for Web", 8:30-10:30AM, CRM Learning Ctr, Waltham Women in Computing, "Financial Self Defense for Tough Times", 6PM, FleetBoston Financial, Waltham Independent Computer Consultants, "Marketing on a Shoestring", 6PM, Rebecca's Cafe, Burlington DataCAD Boston Users "DATACAD LLC" 6 pm, at Boston Society of Architects Bldg. Wed APR 23, 2003 MacWoburn, "Coldstone - a rpg game making program", 7PM, CompUSA, Woburn IEEE Consultants, "SAP: Intro & Overview" 7pm, WPI, Bear Hill Rd, Waltham Thu APR 24, 2003 GBC/ACM "A New Kind of Science with Stephen Wolfram" 7:30PM, MIT Rm 10-250 (reception 6-7 @ Quantum Books) Exchange Server User Group "Topic: TBD", 6:30, Microsoft Waltham Worcester Macromedia, "Integration of Fireworks and Dreamweaver", 6:30, Assumption College IT Bldg Sat APR 26, 2003 RI Mac Users (RIMUG) open forum, 11AM-2PM, Davies Voc Tech HS Wed APR 30, 2003 Boston SPIN, "Agile Software Development", 5:30, Sheraton Four Points, Waltham Mon MAY 05, 2003 Windows Technical Forum, "PowerQuest - V2i backup and recovery software" 6:30-9, Microsoft, Waltham Tue MAY 06, 2003 I-495 Internet pros, "Microsoft .NET-Developer's Perspective", 6:30, EMC Hopkinton Thu MAY 08, 2003 NE Java Users (NEJUG), "Jakarta Struts Hands-on Session", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington Greater Boston Computer Measurement Group "Details TBA" Sat MAY 10, 2003 RI Mac Users (RIMUG) open forum, 11AM-2PM, Davies Voc Tech HS Tue MAY 13, 2003 Enterprise Application User Group Meeting, @ Luna Systems in North Andover. Network Users, "Voice Over IP (VOIP)", 7PM, Mt Ida College, Newton Wed MAY 14, 2003 Boston .NET Users, ".NET Code Access Security", 6:30, Microsoft, Waltham Boston Mac Users (BMAC), topic TBA, 7PM, MIT Bldg E51 Software Quality Group, "Paul Piper: Load Testing Tools", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington Thu MAY 15, 2003 Worcester Linux Users,"TBA", 7PM, Kinnicutt Hall, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Sat MAY 17, 2003 RI Retro-Computing Society Open House: "Lab Instrument Computers", 10AM-4:30PM, 25 Eagle St, Providence Tue MAY 20, 2003 Boston SPIN, topic TBA, 6PM, MITRE Corp, Bedford PC Users Group of RI "TBA", 7 PM, N.E. Tech, Warwick, RI Wed MAY 21, 2003 Boston Linux & Unix UG, "Overview of Request Tracker", 7-9pm, @ MIT (room # 4-370) So NE Network Users (SneNUG), "SonicWall Security presentation", 7:00, @NE Tech, Warwick RI MacWoburn, "DYMO Corp's Labelwriter", 7PM, CompUSA, Woburn Thu MAY 22, 2003 GBC/ACM, "What is an Agile Process?", 7PM, MIT Room 4-231 Tue MAY 27, 2003 Boston AppleScript Users, "TBA", 6PM, MIT Bldg E51, Room 372 Wed MAY 28, 2003 IEEE Consultants, "Web: Java/JSP, SQL, Linux" 7pm, WPI, Bear Hill Rd, Waltham Mon JUN 02, 2003 Windows Technical Forum, "TBA" 6:30-9, Microsoft, Waltham Wed JUN 11, 2003 Boston .NET User Group "TBA", 5-6:30, 6:30-8:30, Microsoft, Waltham Software Quality Group "David Herron: Software Quality Risk Factors" 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington Thu JUN 12, 2003 NE Java Users (NEJUG), "How to Make J2EE Perform Well", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington Tue JUN 17, 2003 Boston SPIN, "Non-CMM Software Quality Improvement", 6PM, MITRE Corp, Bedford Wed JUN 18, 2003 Boston Linux & Unix UG, "Introduction to Qt", 7-9pm, @ MIT room # 4-370 Sat JUN 21, 2003 RI Retro-Computing Society Open House, 10AM-4:30PM, 25 Eagle St, Providence Tue JUN 24, 2003 Boston AppleScript Users, "Annual squirt gun meeting", 6PM, MIT Bldg E51, Room 372 Wed JUL 09, 2003 Boston .NET User Group "TBA", 5-6:30, 6:30-8:30, Microsoft, Waltham Software Quality Group, "Annual Hot Topics Night", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington Wed JUL 16, 2003 Boston Linux & Unix UG, "GNU Privacy Guard: HOWTO", 7-9pm, Location to be determined
Events, Conferences, Education and Training: April 8, 2003 IEEE Boston Section "Predictable Sw Development II: Accurate Estimates and Schedules ..." 8:30am-5pm April 10, 2003 ASQ Boston Section: "Software Development for Medical Device Manufacturers" all day, Burlington April 12, 2003 GBC/ACM Professional Development Seminars: "Understanding & Programming Cryptography" 9-4:30, MIT Room 34-101 April 15, 2003 IEEE Boston "Predictable Sw Devlpmnt III: Verification and Validation for Practitioners and Managers" 8:30-5 April 23, 2003 IBM "e-business on demand Competitive Technical Briefing" 9 am -5 pm, Marriott Boston Copley Place April 24, 2003 KM Forum: "Knowledge Management Reaps Benefits from IT Innovations in Big Pharma", Bentley College, Waltham April 26 through May 11 2003. Boston Cyberarts Festival Check site for extensive List of Events publish your 'ILLUMINATED WORDS' on the South Station 'zipper' LED sign May 2, 2003 IEEE Boston Section "UNIX Commands and Visual Editor Fundamentals" 9am-5pm, Burlington, MA May 3, 2003 GBC/ACM Professional Development Seminars: "C# and .NET Programming" 9-4:30, MIT Room 34-101 May 5, 2003 IEEE Boston Section and WPI "LINUX System Administration Lab Crash Course" 9am-5pm, WPI Waltham May 7 - 8, 2003 Spring IEEE Conference on Technologies For Homeland Security, Volpe Auditorium, Cambridge May 16, 2003 IEEE Boston Section and WPI "LINUX TCP/IP Network Administration and Lab Course" 9am-5pm, WPI Waltham May 17-18, 2003 VB.NET Lost Weekend with Carl Franklin and Russ Fustino, Microsoft, Waltham June 18-20, 2003 Enterprise Analytics and Data Warehousing Conference, Boston June 21-22, 2003 VB.NET Lost Weekend with Carl Franklin and Russ Fustino, Microsoft, Waltham Ongoing: MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science events open to the public The IEEE Boston Section posts local courses at Cambridge Center for Adult Education Call (617) 547-6789 or check the courses available at DevelopMentor Training Classes, Cummings Park, Woburn. Future Media Concepts provides training in all areas of digital media Apple seminars MA NH RI
These listings are obtained from user group web pages, mailings, and from other sources.