BUGC.ORG -- the Boston-area User Group Calendar
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"Helping computer users and groups in the Boston area since June, 1997."
Updated 5/28/2002 -- '02 #93

Send calendar information to: Submit@bugc.org

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View previous calendars -- Read Our Story -- User Group Directory and contact list (not updated)
Bostonusergroups.com: "General User Group Calendar"   --   Boston TechVenue Calendar
User Group events:
See below for Seminars, Shows, Learning, etc.

May 29, 2002
Women in Computing, "Linux in Your Life?", 6PM, Rebecca's Cafe, New England Exec Park, Burlington

June 3, 2002
Windows Technical Forum, "Manage Windows XP and Windows 2000", 6:30, Microsoft, Waltham

June 4, 2002
NE SW QA Forum (NESQAF), topic TBA, 6:00, @Lotus, Cambridge
IP495 Internet professionals, "XML - What You Should Know", 6:30-8:30, EMC in Hopkinton
Digital Commerce Society $, "Network Monoculture", 12-2PM, Downtown Harvard Club $
Macromedia Users, "Using Animation in Multimedia", 7PM, @BU Communic School, Rm 317

June 5, 2002
Windows 2000 Server, "Tips, Tricks & Toy Stories", 6:30, @MSFT Waltham
MIMC CyberBrew, 6PM, 295 Franklin St, Boston
BackBayLisa, "SAGE Certification", 7PM, @MIT Bldg E51, Room 149

June 7, 2002
No Shore Comp Soc computer clinic, 7PM, Peabody Municipal Light

June 10, 2002
NH Seacoast LINUX, "RAID under Linux", 7:00, @UNH Morse Hall, rm 301

June 11, 2002
Greater Boston Network Users Group, topic TBD, 6:30-9, Novell, Wellesley
Enterprise Applications User Group,  6-8:30 pm, Luna Systems, North Andover, MA
Providence AITP, "XML... the Next Online Resume Format?", 6PM, Marriott Hotel, Providence
GB/SIGCHI "The Role of Quality in e-Learning", 6:30 p.m., Sun Microsystems, Burlington, MA

June 12, 2002
CentraLUG monthly meeting, 7:00, @Sybase, Concord NH
SW Quality Group, "Implementing Metrics", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington
Manchester Java Users, topic TBA, 6PM, @So NH Univ, Manchester NH
.NET User Group, "Rational XDE/Mobile Internet Tookit", 6PM, @MSFT Waltham

June 13, 2002
Worcester Linux Users' Group (WLUG), "Topic is TBD", 7 PM, Kinnicutt Hall, WPI
NE C# User Group monthly meeting, @ManagedOps, Bedford NH
No Shore Comp Soc, "Wireless Information in Your Home", 7PM, Peabody Municipal Light

June 16, 2002
FLEA at MIT    corner of Albany and Main streets in Cambridge from 9AM to 2PM

June 17, 2002
Delphi Developers Group  - check for announced meeting

June 18, 2002
Boston SPIN, "Achieving Level 2 and Beyond", 6:30, @Mitre, Bedford
Final Cut Pro UG, 7-10 PM,  Boston University, 640 Commonwealth Avenue Room 101, Boston
NE Palm Users, "Intro to Palm Programming", 7PM, @MIT Plasma Fusion Ctr, Bldg NW17-218

June 19, 2002
Boston Linux & Unix, "Linux & Unix Standards Update", 7PM, MIT Bldg 6-120
DataCAD Users (DBUG) monthly meeting, 6PM, 9 Vernon St., Framingham
So NE Network Users (SneNUG) "WildPackets' EtherPeek & AiroPeek" 7:00, NE Tech, Warwick RI
Access Day "8 presentations are on the agenda" 9 am to 8:30 pm,  Microsoft, Waltham
SMS Users, "SMS 2003 Installation", 6PM, @Fidelity, Marlborough
MacWoburn Users, "AppleScript", 7PM, CompUSA, 335 Washington St, Woburn

June 20, 2002
NE Java Users (NEJUG), "Persistent Data Frameworks", 6PM, Sun Microsystems Burlington
Beowulf DEBUG "We are looking at a date of 20 June for the next meeting"

June 24, 2002
RI Macintosh Users, "Mac Antiques Roadshow", 7PM, Brown Univ CIT board room

June 25, 2002
Boston AppleScript User Group, "Summer squirt gun", 5:30-8, Apple Market Center, Boston

June 26, 2002
GNHLUG, "Ximian Presentation", 7:30, Danl Webster College

June 27, 2002
Exchange Server UG "E-mail Performance and SLA Reporting" 6:30-9:00, Microsoft, Waltham

June 28, 2002
Ind Comp Consultants, "XML", 6PM, Rebecca's Cafe, Burlington

June 29, 2002
AITP of Southern New England Group Night at Cmgi Field!!!   4pm

July 8, 2002
NH Seacoast LINUX monthly meeting, 7:00, @UNH Morse Hall, rm 301

July 9, 2002
Greater Boston Network Users Group, "tentative: TBA", 6:30-9, Novell, Wellesley
M Users Group (MUMPS), "HIPPA regulations", 6PM, @MSFT Waltham

July 10, 2002
MIMC CyberBrew, 6PM, 295 Franklin St, Boston
SW Quality Group, "Hot Topics Night", 6PM, Sun Microsystems, Burlington
CentraLUG monthly meeting, 7:00, @Sybase, Concord NH

July 17, 2002
Worcester Linux Users' Group (WLUG), "Topic is TBD", 7 PM, Kinnicutt Hall, WPI
So NE Network Users (SneNUG), topic TBD, 7:00, @NE Tech, Warwick RI
Boston Linux & Unix, "Introduction to IBM AIX", 7PM, MIT Bldg 6-120

July 21, 2002
FLEA at MIT    corner of Albany and Main streets in Cambridge from 9AM to 2PM

July 24, 2002
DataCAD Users (DBUG) monthly meeting, 6PM, @CADvantage, Boston

August 13, 2002
Greater Boston Network Users Group, "tentative: TBA", 6:30-9, Novell, Wellesley

August 18, 2002
FLEA at MIT    corner of Albany and Main streets in Cambridge from 9AM to 2PM

August 21, 2002
So NE Network Users (SneNUG), "Dell presentation", 7:00, @NE Tech, Warwick RI

September 18, 2002
So NE Network Users (SneNUG), "Alexander LAN presentation", 7:00, @NE Tech, Warwick RI

September 19, 2002
New England Information Security UG "Kickoff Meeting" 6:30-9 PM, Microsoft, Waltham

September 24, 2002
Boston Metro Microsoft Project UG -- Chapter Meeting TBD  -- Microsoft Waltham Office

October 16, 2002
So NE Network Users (SneNUG), BindView presentation", 7:00, @NE Tech, Warwick RI

Events, Conferences, Education and Training:

May 29, 2002:
Softpro Seminar: "Merritt Maxim on Wireless Security" 6:30 PM, Burlington MA

June 3, 2002:
Insight 2002, "Delivering XML Web Services", 9AM-Noon, Marriott, Burlington

June 5, 2002:
Softpro Seminar: "Bill Zoellick: The Changing Value of Content" 6:30 PM, Burlington MA

June 12, 2002:
Softpro Seminar: "Eric Newcomer on Web Services" 6:30 PM, Burlington MA

June 14, 2002:
Russ' Tool Shed, "Create Windows Apps with Visual Studio .NET", 9-4, @MSFT Waltham

June 19, 2002:
NEDRIX Disaster Recovery Conference, 8 a.m. to 5:15 p.m., Sheraton Harborside, Portsmouth, NH
InfiniBand IT Roadshow "new server interconnect technology", Westin Copley Place, Boston
Softpro Seminar: "Michael Stiefel: What is Microsoft .NET" 6:30 PM, Burlington MA

June 19-21, 2002:
Data Warehousing and Enterprise Analytics Conference & Expo, Hynes Convention Center

June 20, 2002:
Insight 2002, "Strengthening Your Server", 9AM-Noon, Marriott, Burlington


MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science events open to the public

The IEEE Boston Section posts local courses at

Cambridge Center for Adult Education  Call (617) 547-6789
or check the courses available at http://www.ccae.org

DevelopMentor Training Classes, Cummings Park, Woburn. http://www.develop.com

Future Media Concepts provides training in all areas of digital media

Apple seminars  MA NH RI
Please send meeting announcements to Submit@bugc.org
Of course, we cannot assume any responsibility for errors, etc...

These listings are obtained from user group web pages, mailings, and from other sources.

BUGC is maintained by Al Sherman als62@rcn.com and Mike Murphy mmurphy@theworld.com. We thank the Boston Linux & Unix User Group and BostonUserGroups.com for providing our website.
To subscribe to the CONE mailing list, visit http://www.blu.org/mailman/listinfo/cone
Copyright © 1997-2002 by Allan Sherman and Mike Murphy
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