Sources for Calendar Info
These are the sources used to find this Calendar information.
I have noted regular meeting nights seen on websites, but these may not be current.
Now you are all set to do your own searches.....
Alpha Users Group
Third wednesday
Apple Manchester User Group
1st Thursday - Regular MUG Meeting - First Presbyterian Church, Manchester
3rd Wednesday - Apple II SIG - Location Varies
3rd Thursday - MacIntosh SIG - Merrimack Public Library
Last Tuesday - SNAC Meeting - Nashua Library
BNUG Boston Network Users Group
CONE or e-mail list
ComputerMeasurement Group,
Borland/Corel Database User's Group
Data Management Association
2nd Thursday
Delphi Developers Group
Digital Commerce Society - and e-mail list
Domino.Doc and LN:DI - at IBM, 404 Wyman, Waltham (from signet
Domino/Notes group: "Domino.Action" @ IBM, 404 Wyman St., Waltham
Boston Area Foxpro Users Group
4th Wednesday
FrontPage User Group
3rd Tuesdays
ISIG (Internet Special Interest Group)
Internet Developers Users Group:
2nd Wednesday
The Boston Java Users Group
Linux & Unix
MacTechGrp - announcements on newsgroup
In general, we meet on the first and third Wednesdays of every month,
with very occasional additional meetings, and very rare exceptions.
Microsoft Access User Group (Waltham)
the 3rd Wednesday each month
Microsoft Access Client/Server User Group (Nashua)
the 2nd Wednesday each month
Microsoft Office User Group (e-mail list)
the 3rd Thursday at Microsoft
Microsoft SQL Server New England User Group
the 2nd Thursday each month
Microsoft Windows Developer Users Group
the 4th Tuesday each month, September-June
New England NT Users Group (NENTUG)
the 1st Wednesday each Month
New England Software Developers
the 2nd Tuesday each month, September-June
New Hampshire Internet Special Interest Group
the 1st Tuesday each month
New Hampshire Seacoast Mac Users Group
the 2nd Tuesday each month
North Shore Computer Society (NSCS)
the 2nd Thursday each month, September to June
Boston OMNIS Users Group
the 2nd Tuesday each month
PC Users Group of RI
RI Mac
the 4th Monday each month
Boston Area SAS Users Group
Richard Seltzer On-line Chat
Software Engineering and Quality SIG (NH)
the last Tuesday each month, September to June
Boston Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN)
the 3rd Tuesday each month, September to June
NE Software Quality Assurance Forum
the 1st Tuesday each month, September to June
Software Quality Group
the 2nd Wednesday each month
SneNUG -- Southern New England Network Users Group
the 3rd Wednesday each Month
VIBUG (Visually Impaired and Blind User Group)
the 2nd Saturday each month
Boston Virtual Reality Group (e-mail list)
Visual Basic Professional User Group
the 1st Thursday each month
Greater Boston Visual Basic Self-Paced Learning Group (e-mail list)
the 3rd Monday at Microsoft
Boston Voice Users Group (e-mail list)
Web-Net Group
the 2nd Monday each month
ACM Greater Boston Web-Tech Chapter
the 3rd Tuesday each month
Boston Webgrrls Chapter
the 2nd Thursday each month
Boston Windows 95 User Group
the 4th Monday each month
Association for Women in Computing
Yankee Computer Society (YCS)
the 2nd Monday each month
YCS Active X Special Interest Group
the 3rd Monday each month
YCS VB/Access Special Interest Group
the 4th Thursday each month
Additional Lists of Computer User Groups and Associations:
BNUG list
Additional Lists of User Group & Association meetings, Trade Shows, Training, Seminars:
Revised 06/21/98