Boston Area COM User’s Group March 18th Meeting Notice
& February 18th Meeting Minutes

See BACOM website for details, directions, abstracts...
Circulate freely.
RSVP for pizza count.

6:00     Pizza complements of RadView
6:15     Business
6:30     Visual Studio Analyzer, Russ Fustino, Microsoft
7:10     AEM – Monitoring & Diagnostics for Distributed
            Component-Based Systems, Jeff Rees, AverStar
7:50     Break
             Learn how you can field a team at the CIO Grand Prix.
             SWAG complements of RadView.
8:00      Overview and Demonstration of Compaq's Component
                Monitor, Terry Stopera, Compaq

February 18 Notes: 62 attendees. We need a volunteer to do meeting minutes.
Best regards,
Pat Byrne

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