Boston Area COM User’s Group February 18th Meeting Notice
& January 21st Meeting Minutes
This is going to be a very interesting meeting: more on MSMQ from a user, and COM is not just for Wintel, folks, ask this month's presenters from Mainsoft and Compaq. Major SWAG (Stuff We All Get), too.

See BACOM website for details.
RSVP to for pizza count.

6:00    Pizza complements of Microsoft
6:15    Business
6:30    Programming MSMQ, Kevin O'Brien, Fidelity
7:10    Porting Windows and DCOM application to UNIX, Yaacov Ben-Israel, DCOM Group Leader, Mainsoft
7:50    Break & Drawings
8:00    COM features available on UNIX and OpenVMS, Gaitan D'Antoni and Frank Hayes, Compaq

Minutes of January 21, 1999 Meeting
I hear you did pretty well without me on January 21st. I couldn’t have done anything about Route 3, the overhead projector, and the snow and ice in Vlad’s driveway (the reason we didn't see his presentation). Walson reports 72 attendees – not bad! I hear you got indoctrinated into MSMQ and appreciated the comparison between COM & EJB presented Narayanan Krishnakumar. BU did a great job on facilities and food. I asked them if they wanted us back in the summer.
Best regards,
Pat Byrne

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