Boston Area COM User’s Group October 15 Meeting Notice
& September 15 Meeting Minutes
Next Meeting: October 15, 1998, 6:00pm, Microsoft, Waltham, MA

No need to RSVP. No cost to attendees. Circulate freely. To be added to this list email

We now have a website: Thank you Chris Bowen!


6:00     Pizza complements of Microsoft
6:15     Business
6:30     COM+ 101 Introductory Concepts of COM+. Microsoft Speaker
6:50     COM Support in Visual J++ 6, David Platt, Rolling Thunder.
            VJ6 provides prefabricated support that makes writing COM
            objects and clients as fast easy as it is in Visual Basic.  However, as
            with VB, optimizing your applications requires knowledge of the
            underlying COM internals as actually implemented in VJ6. David Platt
            will explain this implementation, with particular emphasis on threading

            David S. Platt is President of Rolling Thunder Computing, which
            provides training classes in the area of COM. He teaches COM programming
            at Harvard. He is the author of the book "The Essence of COM with
            ActiveX". This talk is based on his article scheduled to appear in the
            October issue of Microsoft Systems Journal.

7:30     COM Threading. Tim Ewald, Developmentor.
            Tim Ewald: 

Future meetings:

November 19
              Richard Hale Shaw: COM is Cool!
              David Mackay, NetNumina: Using 10 COM
                    objects to replace 100,000 lines of COBOL
We are always seeking speakers and sponsors, contact

September 17 Meeting Minutes

Ontos hosted a group of over 70 people in a super auditorium
in the CrossPoint building in Lowell,  MA., bringing back Wang
memories to quite a few folks. Their speaker Bob Donald, the
facilities, plentiful pizza, and tshirts were all appreciated.
Walson Lee of Microsoft gave the first of a series of  20 minute
“COM 101”  presentations that keep us current with Microsoft’s
plans. Jonathan Borden, MD, dazzled the group with a presentation
of his leading edge product for addressing tough telemedicine issues.
Thank you, Ontos, Walson, and Jonathan!

Best regards,
Pat Byrne

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