From: Subject: [Vfpboston] Wednesday meeting Date: Friday, January 20, 2006 07:45:37 FoxPro User Group Meeting Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 Location: Microsoft, 201 Jones Road, Waltham, MA 1) Main presentation topic: The BIO-key FireRMS system is a large scale Visual Foxpro system having about 1,600 classes, 9,700 objects and 7,300 custom methods using a SQL back end. The requirements allow the users to customize the interface screens. Richard Welsh discusses how they implementd user defined properties on existing user screens as well as new functionality to allow users to define their own custom fields and screens. Also, free CoDe magazines for all attendees and door-prizes. 2) We need speakers for future meetings. Let us know if you can help. 3) Great Lakes Great Database Workshop 2006 GLGDW Whil Hentzen's GLGDW is happening in Milwaukee on April 21-24. The first early cutoff registration discount in on midnight January 30. For details visit _______________________________________________ Vfpboston mailing list