Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 16:16:20 -0400 From: Michael Steinberg Subject: New Eng Palm User Group Meeting Reminder! NEPUG Meeting Reminder! The next NEPUG meeting is the TUESDAY, June 18th, 2002! The meeting starts at 7:00PM. The location is MIT, Plasma Fusion Lab, 175 Albany St, Cambridge. Please do NOT arrive before 6:30, at the request of our MIT host. The main presentation will cover Intro to Palm Programming. The sponsor is CaslSoft. This meeting is designed for ALL USER LEVELS. If you are thinking about Palm programming, for your own use, internal use within your company or for sale commercially, don't miss this meeting. We had a great turnout in May. Please continue to show your support for the NEPUG and our sponsors by attending this meeting. Attendance and parking are FREE! We'll also have light refreshments and plenty of door prizes. By the way, the first folks to arrive will get a special gift. At the May meeting, we had free copies of Handheld Computing Magazine for those first to arrive. What will we have this month? You'll have to be there to find out! Please accept my apology. I've fallen behind in sending out these reminders. We have lots of great things "in the works". I've also got several special offers only for PUG members from different software and hardware vendors. I may set up a special page on the web site. Please continue to watch your email for more details. Check the web site ( for last minute updates. See everyone on Tuesday! Thanks Michael Michael Steinberg President New England Palm Users Group email: web: