Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 00:47:33 -0400 (EDT) From: NEJUG President Subject: Nejug Announcement There are a couple of important announcements I wanted to let you know about. First, Sun Education Services is offering another free Code Camp on J2SE Security at the Sun Burlington Campus on June 27 and 28. Second, Sonic Software is offering a technical seminar titled "Understanding Enterprise Messaging and Standards-based Integration" in Burlington MA on June 12th. This seminar is free for Nejug members. The details of these two seminars are detailed below. If you are interested in either of these offerings, please contact the person indicated below. Please do not email me regarding these events. Also, just a reminder that the next Nejug meeting is Thursday, June 20th (not June 13th!) at the Burlington Campus. Although the meeting is full, you can add your name to the waiting list by visting the meeting detail page at Mark -- Mark Richards President, New England Java User Group Chief Architect, Internet Technology Apex Consulting Group, Inc. ------------------------------------ office: 781.944.0212 cell: 781.869.6958 email: work: web: nejug: ======================================================== SONIC SOFTWARE TECHNICAL SEMINAR (Free) Contact: Keri Paciencia ======================================================== When: June 12th, 2002 Where: Burlington Marriott One Mall Road Rt 128 & 3A Burlington, MA 01803 1-781-229-6565 Description: Understanding Enterprise Messaging and Standards-based Integration presents a complete technical introduction to the concepts and architecture models for developing and deploying enterprise-wide messaging and standards-based integration solutions within your organization. Sonic's experts will examine how standards such as Web services, J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) and the Java Message Service (JMS) are changing the way organizations deploy and leverage messaging middleware and integration technology to create more flexible and efficient infrastructures. During this half-day seminar, attendees will be presented with a detailed overview of JMS and high-availability messaging, and how they can be used in a variety of applications. Additionally, the seminar will introduce attendees to the concepts and technology enabling standards-based integration: a more flexible model for business integration that leverages Web services, JCA technology and distributed service-oriented architectures. For more information, see Keri Paciencia Schwartz Communications, Inc. Prospect Place, 230 Third Avenue Waltham, MA 02451 T: (781) 684-0770 F: (781) 684-6500 ======================================================== Sun J2SE Security Code Camp (Free) Contact: Rebecca Gomez ======================================================== You are invited to attend a one and half day codecamp which combines both lecture and hands-on programming exercises (details below.) If you would like to register, simply respond to Rebecca Gomez at to register and receive additional enrollment information. Be sure and reference the Sun Securirty Code Camp in your email. Please note - a limited amount of seats are available. Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. DATE: June 27 - 28 TIME: 10am - 5pm* (*) 2nd will day wrap-up after lunch Location: Burlington 01 Instructor: Raghavan "Rags" Srinivas *** Please note, you will need to bring your own laptop with Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition SDK 1.4 installed This camp will provide you with concepts of network security using Java programming language. The codecamp will cover the basics of network security and cryptography, enough to understand the material for the rest of the course, which will focus on Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) security. The attendees will also learn how to use standard Java tools and APIs for manipulating digests, signatures, and other cryptographic algorithms. Prerequisites: - Programming experience with Java programming language - Experience using command-line tools such as JDK[tm] in either UNIX or Windows - Understanding of security concepts desirable - Laptop with Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition SDK 1.4 installed Objectives: (After this codecamp, you are expected to have) - Understanding on fundamental concepts of network security and a detailed understanding of the J2SE 1.4 security tools and APIs including applet security. Contents: - Concepts of Network Security - Overview of J2SE 1.4 Security - Security tools and applet Security - Integrity and Confidentiality JCE JSSE Java CertPath API - Authentication and Authorization JAAS JGSS Java-related security Java Card, J2ME, J2EE and XML security [lecture only]