Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 08:37:13 -0500 From: richard seltzer Subject: Chat reminder: Thursday, December 5, Howard Rheingold, author of "Smart Mobs" BUSINESS ON THE WEB -- Where "word of keystroke" begins Our next chat will be this Thursday, December 5, 2002, from noon to 1 PM Eastern Time (GMT -5) when we will be talking with Dec. 5, our guest will be Howard Rheingold, author of Smart Mobs and The Virtual Community. See my review of Smart Mobs at In that review I note, "Even before the Web, Rheingold sensed the importance of social interaction in his experiences with the online community at the Well. He explored the implications of new kinds of behavior and relationships on the Internet in his seminal book The Virtual Community. Now that much of what he foresaw has become reality, he looks ahead at the changes likely to transform our world -- socially, business-wise, and politically -- in the next wave, based on wireless communication. Technology makes it possible that wireless person-to-person interaction, without central control, and with very inexpensive access available to all could change our world even more profoundly than the Internet has." To connect to our chat sessions, go to We're on from noon to 1 PM Eastern Time (GMT -4) on Thursdays. To view past transcripts and the upcoming schedule, please go to As an alternative method of sending out chat reminder messages, I have set up a Yahoo Group for businessonthewebchat It is an announcement only list. And I'll only be sending out one or two messages a week this way. If you already receive our messages, there is no need for you to switch to this variety; but you are welcome to if you like. You might also want to check this Yahoo Group for archived copies of messages, which will accumulate here. If you would like to receive email reminders of our chat sessions, simply send a blank email message to or go to and sign up there. Best wishes. Richard Richard Seltzer,, Internet marketing consultant Books on CD. Give a life-time of reading. A library for the price of a book,