Special Hi-Def Film Showing & Lecture
May 2, 2000
MIT Media Laboratory
Carl Machover
President, Machover Associates Corporation
Come see the extraordinary film, "The Story of Computer Graphics" - the hit of Siggraph 1999 – shown in its original hi-definition version, at 8:00 pm on May 2, 2000 at the MIT Media Lab. The movie attempts to document some of the most compelling stories behind the striking graphics and technology that we take for granted in today's imagery. This is the "human" story of the pioneers that are revolutionizing visual communication, and contains rare historical footage as well as original interviews with most of the great names in the field, from George Lucas to Alvy Ray Smith to Steve Jobs to Jim Blin. It chronicles the history of the industry, its impact on society, the creative and artistic uses of computer graphics, and the excitement of future possibilities. As an official SIGGRAPH history project, care was taken to produce a lasting document that will inform and inspire generations to come.
The showing of "The Story of Computer Graphics" will be introduced by Carl Machover, Executive Producer of the film and noted computer graphics pioneer. In addition, Machover will give a special lecture on the artistic evolution of computer graphics as part of the Media Lab’s Arts & Expression guest speaker series.
Carl Machover lecture: 4:00 - 5:00 pm, MIT Media Laboratory,
20 Ames Street, E15-054
Film screening: 8:00 pm: MIT Media Laboratory,
Bartos Theater, 20 Ames Street, E15-070
Admission Free to the public
http://www.media.mit.edu/Information/DirectionsFor further information, contact: Chad Brustin 617-253-3548