"Bridging the Gap Between Paper and Computers"WHEN: 10am-1pm Thursday, February 17th, 2000
WHERE: Cambridge Computer Services, 355 Western Ave., Boston, MA
HOW TO REGISTER: Call us or register online at
Document Technology SolutionsSee some of the newest features of Adobe Acrobat 4.0 and learn the benefits of "portable documents" for publishing on the web, distributing on CD-ROM, and emailing. Learn how to make data collection an automated process that reduces turnaround time by increasing scanning accuracy. Collect your data via fax or even over the web. Find out how you scan your filing cabinets and turn them into easily searchable database files, and apply security codes to each document to prevent viewing, modification, and printing by certain people. Demonstrations of all software presented will be held after the presentations.
MORE INFO CALL: (617) 787-1230
Thanks a lot for your help!!
Nicole Boucher
Associate Consultant
Cambridge Computer Services